Facial Gua Sha Tool

Designed by Sophie Anne Perry

Gua Sha is an ancient healing technique to help promote the skins natural functions by assisting in clearing stagnant blockages and promoting healthy fluid movement, supporting the skins underlying structures to help it flourish and thrive.

Increasing fluid movement in the tissue with gua she massage helps boost the skins immunity, promoting balance, alleviating inflammation that can lead to skin conditions such as acne, puffiness and rosacea. As well as enhancing facial contours, improving skins appearance.

Designed by Sophie Anne Perry, a beautiful handmade Dark Green Nephrite stone that promotes health and abundance. An empowering healing stone full of revitalisation, with properties that help to soothe the nervous system, as well as bring clarity and awareness to the body, to any areas that require love and healing.


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This tool features curved edges for working on different areas of the face. Helping release tension, work through connectivity tissue adhesions, releasing obstructions to promote free flow of blood, energy (Qi) nutrients and fluid through the tissues.


With featured edges designed to stimulate collagen, collect fluid and boost lymphatic system, release tension and promote a healthy radiant complexion.

Gua Sha Facial Tool
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Click here for a freestyle video tutorial of Sophie Anne Perry using the Nephrite stone.

A perfect addition to any sculpting routine, with contours aligning with the facial bone structure, enhancing results.


Because ageing is a privilege, a blessing, something to welcome, enjoy and take pride in.